On our website, you can find notices, forms, agendas, minutes, ordinances, and other information regarding the Town of Worcester. Please check back in this notice section for important town updates.

NOTICE: If you would like to be on our meeting agenda and schedule list, please reach out to the town clerk at twnwor@outlook.com.

ZONING CHANGE: Effective 12/20/2022, the Town of Worcester turned their zoning function over to Price County Zoning. Please contact Price County Zoning, 104 S Eyder Avenue, Room 205, Phillips, WI 54555 or call (715) 339-3272 for permit forms and questions.

The Town of Worcester Recycling Center is open Tuesday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for Worcester residents and taxpayers. Permit card is required.